November 15, 2010

Week 13: Exploding Ants

Dear Parents and Students,
This week we are reading “Exploding Ants” by Joanne Settel. We will focus on some vocabulary words in this story. It would be helpful if you will reinforce the meaning of these words at home with your child. Let’s have a great week!

Vocabulary Words and Meanings
critical being important to the outcome of a situation
enables gives ability, power, or means to: makes able
mucus a slimy substance produced in the nose and throat to moisten and protect them
scarce hard to get; rare
specialize to develop in a special way
sterile free from germs

1. Don’t forget!!! Our presentation of Turkey Takes a Stand Readers’ Theater is Thursday, November 18th. Mrs. Allen’s class will perform at 8:15, and Mrs. Telford’s class will perform at 11:45 with a Thanksgiving Feast following the performance.
2. Our students of the week are Taylor and Armani.
3. Report cards will come home on Thursday. Please sign them and return them on Friday.
4. The next 4-H meeting will be on November 17th at 1:15 P.M.
5. The Gator Gala (for those with 40 or more Gator Bites) will be on Friday, November 19th.
6. Thanksgiving holidays will be November 22nd – 26th.

Monday: Reading workbook page 175 and Native American Study Guide questions 6-10.
Tuesday: Reading workbook page 178 and Native American Study Guide questions 11-15.
Wednesday: Read Exploding Ants aloud to a parent and Study for Native American test tomorrow.
Thursday: Discuss Reader Response questions with a parent.
Friday: Read and Relax. Have a Happy Thanksgiving!

• Study for Native American Quiz. • Complete Reading workbook pages 175 and 177.

• Discuss the Reader Response questions that follow the story. • Summarize the information that you learned in Exploding Ants using the 5 W’s (who, what, when, where, and why).

Learn more about ants at:

1 comment:

  1. Mrs.Telford this is Kenze. I am doing great at my new school. I love my house. And I still miss all of you!
