February 6, 2009

Week 23: Night Letters

Dear Parents and Students,
Week 23 is going to be a great one! Night Letters will be our main selection this week in Reading; you will find a brief description of Night Letters below. This week's vocabulary list, spelling list, practice language sentences, and homework assignments are here too.

Lily loves to look at the critters and plants she finds in nature. When she looks carefully at their fine details, she feels like they are talking to her in a secret code. She writes what she observes in her nature journal. Her last message of the day comes from a tree that asks her to return tomorrow. She replies with a promise of more visits the next day.

What Does Nature Tell You? This week, spend some time together in a quiet spot in nature. Draw what you see and jot down a few words about what you feel. Compare your drawings and ideas.

Comprehension Skill
Draw Conclusions
A conclusion is a decision you reach after thinking about facts and details you know. You can use what you have learned in the story and what you already knew before you began to read.

Nature Walk Take a nature walk together . Look for clues about the local wildlife. Is there evidence of raccoons? Are there more birds in one yard than another? Use what you know about and what you see around you to draw conclusions about these critters.

We will be working hard while we are at school; I hope that these resources help you to continue our work at home. Please let me know if I can help in any way.

Mrs. Telford

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