January 31, 2011

Week 21: Weslandia

Dear Parents and Students,

You are going to really love this story. Wesley doesn’t have friends at school. To make himself happy during the summer, he uses his imagination and some of the things he learned at school to start a garden. This garden becomes his own world. In time, the world he creates interests the kids who once tormented him.

Words to Know

Knowing the meanings of these words is important to reading Weslandia. Practice using these words.
blunders stupid mistakes
civilization the ways of living of a people or nation
complex made up of a number of parts; hard to understand
envy feeling of discontent, dislike, or desire because another person has what you want
fleeing running away
inspired filled with a thought or feeling; influence
rustling causing a light, soft sound of things gently rubbing together
strategy the skillful planning and management of anything

Monday: (R) workbook p. 154, (SS) John Cabot passage and quiz
Tuesday: (R) workbook p. 157, (SS) Francisco Coronado passage and quiz
Wednesday: (R) workbook p. 158, (SS) Henry Hudson passage and quiz
Thursday: (R) workbook pp. 159-160, (SS) Using textbook pp. 144-149, complete workbook p. 35
Friday: Relax and take a break!

Extra Practice
If you would like more practice with Daily Oral Language or Daily Geography, feel free to double click on any of the pages below to see a larger view of the page or to print them.

Let's have a great week!
Mrs. Telford

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