February 26, 2009

Week 26: Hottest, Coldest, Highest, Deepest (Unit 4)

Dear Parents and Students,
We are going to have a blast looking at the geography of our planet! This week our main selection is entitled Hottest, Coldest, Highest, Deepest. This piece details some of the most amazing places on Earth. There is information about the longest river—the Nile—to the snowiest place on Earth—Mt. Rainier.

You may also want to meet this week's author, Steve Jenkins! You don't want to miss learning about his writings and illustrations! You are going to love his website and be surprised that you've read some of his books already!

Reading Activity
Biggest, Smallest, Thinnest, Widest. Together, think about different things in your home. What are the biggest, smallest, thinnest, and widest items found in your home? Which is the coldest room in the winter and the hottest room in the summer? Which room is the brightest? darkest? quietest?

Comprehension Skill: Compare and Contrast
When you compare and contrast, you tell how things are alike and different. When you read, look for clue words that signal comparisons and contrasts, such as like, both, different, and however.

Comprehension Activity
I See Alike and Different. Choose two items (like cars) to compare and contrast. Describe how the items are alike and different. Have someone guess what you are describing.

Let's have a great week! I'll see you soon!
Mrs. Telford

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