February 20, 2009

Week 25: Wings (Unit 4)

Dear Parents and Students,
This week we will be reading Wings. The main character is Ikarus Jackson. He is the new boy at school, and he is a little different. Ikarus has wings. He has real wings that allow him to fly. But the other kids at school laugh and tease him. The adults Ikarus meets aren’t much kinder. Ikarus has a friend though. When she steps in and says, “Stop!” and "Your flying is beautiful,” he finds the heart to fly again.

Activity #1
What Is Special About Me? What are the qualities about you that are special? How would the people who love you describe you? Write your name at the top of a sheet of paper. Find pictures in newspapers and magazines that represent some part of you. Cut them out and glue
them onto the paper to make a collage of all that is part of you.

Comprehension Skill: Cause and Effect
A cause tells why something happened. An effect is what happened. Clue words that signal a cause and effect relationship are because and so.

Activity #2
Playground Cause and Effect Head to the playground! Explore cause and effect on the slide, the merry-go-round, the swings, and the teeter-totter.

Let's Have a great week!
Mrs. Telford

1 comment:

  1. I watched the video on the author and I really liked it!
