February 13, 2009

Week 24: Symphony of Whales

Dear Parents and Students,
This week our main selection will be Symphony of Whales. In this story, a young girl is gifted with the ability to hear whale songs. One night, she dreams that her sled dogs lead her to whales—and the next day they do. But the whales are in trouble! It is too late in the year for them to be this close to shore. They are trapped by ice, and each day they are in greater danger of either starving or suffocating. The girl and her people call for help from a Russian icebreaker
ship. They break the ice, and they feed the whales their own food. With the help of the ship and a symphony of music, they save the whales from certain death.

Activity #1

What Would You Do? What animals would inspire you to the kind of hard work and sacrifice the Inuit village showed in saving these whales? Draw a picture of your favorite animals together.
This Week's Reading Skill: Generalize
When you read ideas about several things, you may see how they are alike in some way. You can make a general statement about all of them together.

Activity #2
Attributes Brainstorm three different characteristics in people. These can be physical or part of a personality. Then think of all the people you know with those characteristics and compose a sentence that summarizes these characteristics in a generalization. Finally, talk about other ways that these people may be alike. Can you think of other generalizations to make about this group of people?

Enjoy reading! Let's have a great week!

Mrs. Telford

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